Friday, January 30, 2009

Bottle 'o Wine, Bottle 'o Wine

Tonight we all went to Wine Styles for a Bells beer tasting. I really didn't like any of the beers at all, so I just ate the cheese. I ended up buying this bottle of wine though. It's supposed to taste like pineapple. Then we all went to dinner at Friday's because it was Friday - hardy har har. After dinner, Natalie, Ann, and I went to the cheap movies and saw Role Models. It was actually really funny. I especially hated that stupid king!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Inez's Stash

We finally found the missing roll of quarters. It was under the couch along with many other missing things including 10 pieces of Dove chocolate. One day the Dove chocolate disappeared from the coffee table. I asked Patrick if he ate it all and he said he didn't, but then he started to doubt himself. Anyway, we found a lot of things, but we didn't find my other wooden knitting needle. So I'm using my metal knitting needles to make a new green scarf. I really need to learn how to knit something besides scarves. Anyone want to teach me?

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Last night we all went out to the new bar, Rounders, to celebrate Ann Beacom's thesis defense! Can you believe that? Second week of school and she's already done with her thesis. Usually people don't finish until April or May if they're lucky. It was a fun night though. I called a Palmer cab around midnight and then the cabbie went and ate wings with us at Buffalo Wild Wings.
This is what Patrick said our conversation was last night while I was falling asleep:
(me) TV guides and men are the same.
(Patrick) How?
How are TV guides and men the same?
Yeah! You know about channels.
(5 minutes later)
(Patrick) How are TV guides and men the same?
(me) I don't know what you're talking about.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Wee-bay Johnson

A few weeks ago when Patrick's parents were visiting we were all watching the first season of The Wire. Patrick and I were actually re-watching it with them because we are obsessed and are on the last season. Anyway, in the show there is a gangster named Wee-bay. I kept going on about how Wee-bay had the coolest name and if I were a gangster I would use Wee-bay as a street name.
So today I come home and see this pretty flowery package addressed to Wee-bay Johnson laying on the table. I started laughing really hard, so I opened it and it was this red sweater that says "SHE WHO MUST BE OBEYED."
Aren't the Suaves awesome?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Susie Simmon's Cookie Dough

So I accidentally ordered some cookie dough from a boy scout four months ago. I thought that he forgot about my order because it had been so long and I was really happy about it because I didn't really want it anyway. He caught me off guard - that's the only reason I bought it! But anyway, I got home from MPPAW yesterday and Patrick said my boy scout had delivered cookie dough for me and my co-worker. And I was like "My co-worker?" "Yeah, Susie Simmons?" And I told him I didn't know anyone by that name. So apparently we got my unwanted cookie dough and Susie Simmon's cookie dough. And I don't know why he assumed that Susie Simmons was my co-worker instead of someone else. Well, maybe it's because I don't have any other friends in Mankato that he doesn't know. Yeah, that's probably it. Maybe we should wait to eat Susie Simmons cookie dough unless the boy scout comes back. What do you think?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Tonight I gave a little speech at the MPPAW (Minnesota Professionals for Psychology at Work) meeting. Afterward, a band played and we all danced for a long time. I got really sweaty in my dress clothes which was gross. Then an old couple started swing dancing. I will post a picture of this tomorrow. I am too tired to do so now.

Monday, January 19, 2009

lazy day

This is how I spent most of my day today - watching really horrible TV.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Games and Losses

Last night Patrick and I went over to Darin and Steve's place to play cards (AKA drinking games). This is a picture of everyone doing...something.
Also, today I wanted to do laundry and so I went to look for the roll of quarters that Patrick had got a few days ago. And they were gone! We think the cats did something with them. They rolled them away and hid them in some small place we can't get to. Honestly though, I went hunting with a flashlight and still couldn't find them. Any ideas? (I think it was Inez).

Friday, January 16, 2009

Cheating on the Legion

All I can say right now is: "I can't get my GEE's no matter what!!"
Marquita, Catherine, and I (girls I work with) went to the Eagle Lake Legion on Friday night to play bingo. This is a picture of one of the women we sat next to. We called ourselves Team Fun and we had a team chant - which was basically yelling "Team Fun!" and toasting our beer glasses. It was a really great night though and this is my favorite quote of the night.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A View from the Top

I took this picture of Mankato on my way to work this morning. It was another cold one, but I've managed to stay inside most of the day. I'm going over to Natalie's (my classmate) house in a bit so we can work on our theses.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It's still cold

Tonight I drove out to Eagle Lake for Wednesday Night at the Eagle's Nest. I got there a little late, but apparently there is a huge "Duke" burger that feeds four to six people. Three or four of the guys ordered it and said they wanted to puke they were so full. As I was driving home, the bank said the temperature was -14 without windchill. I think it's about -35 with windchill. Everyone hopes that school/work will be canceled, but so far it isn't. I'm so sick of snow and winter! I'm tired of stomping my feet every time I walk into a building. The first picture is of me at the Eagle's Nest. I had no idea that Mike took it. The second is of a pretty church that was across the street from the Eagle's Nest. It's a crappy picture. I wanted to get out of the car and take a proper picture, but, well, you know about the weather and all.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Pretty and Peaceful

I've been working on my data analysis for my thesis all day long while Patrick played Fallout 3 on PS3. It is a pretty fun game, but my only suggestion is to GET SOME BETTER MUSIC! It's okay at first, but after a few hours of listening to it it gets old. I went outside a little bit ago to get some fresh air. I took some pictures too. It had started to snow again, so I didn't stay out too long (also because it is below zero). These are pictures of the back of our apartment building and the alley behind the apartment building. I think they actually look very pretty and peaceful.

Monday, January 12, 2009

What to look forward to:

This is without the windchill. I am very very afraid.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Pizza and Photos

Everyone is finally back in Mankato from Winter Break. We all went to this pizza place, Pagliai's, tonight and ate pizza, drank some beer, and caught up. It was a good time. We have class tomorrow at 10am and 6pm. I'm kind of excited to get back into doing things. Doing things is good, ya know.
I also tried to learn more about my new camera tonight. Sometimes the pictures I take are blurry and I really think it's a user error and not the camera. Tonight I learned that my camera can take pictures in black and white and can add borders. See?

Saturday, January 10, 2009


This is a picture of the OU hoodie that I received in the mail today from one - Janie Schneider AKA my MOm! I was very unproductive today except for the fact that I did the Wii Fit for an hour. I learned to box. We went out to the Legion tonight, but no pictures were taken.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Here's Us.

Today Patrick and I celebrated our two year anniversary (or makeoutaversary if you prefer). He took me to a nice restaurant and we got appetizers and dessert! What a nice boy. :)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I do not like this thing here

"I thought it was cute that they made it out of construction paper. I found my thrill on blueberry hill. I found my Hector on an obtuse vector. I found my Inez on some strawberry Pez."

Ashley Johnson
Dictated But Not Read

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Today's Sunset

This is a picture of today's sunset. I was sitting in my car waiting to have my oil changed and I took a picture with my phone. The sun just looks so bright against the gray and the snow. It's still winter break, right? Why am I feeling sort of stressed out already?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Preparing for the Frigid Run

This is a picture of my iPod Shuffle that my mom got me for Christmas. I have been running a lot over winter break - usually at least four miles a day. I'm really proud of this because I used to only be able to run two. My goal is to run in the 5K Mankato Frigid Run in February. I know I can do a 5K on the treadmill, but I'm a little scared because it will be outside with hills and bitter coldness. I've always wanted to do a run, so hopefully this will be my first.

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Blender is my Friend

I did data entry all day again today. I went to the gym as well, but that was it for me. What a wild and fun winter break! Tonight I made banana and strawberry smoothies. They were yum. Now we are going to watch the last part of the Twin Peaks movie.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Warm 'n Fuzzy

These are the comfy house slippers that Patrick's parents gave us for Christmas. They are super warm and soft. Patrick used to have a pair, but Fluffy peed all over them this summer. Stupid Fluffy.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


I spent most of the day entering data for my extra winter break job. I got through about 50 surveys today and there are little over 300 total. I am sick of typing numbers into spreadsheets!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Mankato Pub Crawl

Tonight Patrick and Karl did a Mankato pub crawl.
First, we went to the Sugar Room. This is where the pub crawl idea was hatched.Then it was onward to Mum's the Word.Next was Pub 500. We then went to Midtown Tavern where we were harassed by the crazy bartender. At this point, the boys took a "Lemon Drop" shot.Finally, we ended up at Mully's, which was apparently the most happening bar in Mankato on New Year's Day. There were all sorts of karaoke and Shania Twain videos. Here the boys took a "Duck Fart" shot.After the pub crawl we all went home and looked up our credit ratings. I won with "Excellent" credit! WOO!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy 2009!!

Happy New Year! Last night Karl, Ann, Natalie and I went out to McGoff's to bring in the New Year. We met up with some of Natalie's friends and Patrick came after work. Apparently, I drank a little too much New Year's champagne and was singing "For all acquaintance be forgot and never be denied for all acquaintance be forgot and never be denied." Patrick and Karl kept telling me they were the wrong words, but I did not listen. HAPPY NEW YEAR!