Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Susie Simmon's Cookie Dough

So I accidentally ordered some cookie dough from a boy scout four months ago. I thought that he forgot about my order because it had been so long and I was really happy about it because I didn't really want it anyway. He caught me off guard - that's the only reason I bought it! But anyway, I got home from MPPAW yesterday and Patrick said my boy scout had delivered cookie dough for me and my co-worker. And I was like "My co-worker?" "Yeah, Susie Simmons?" And I told him I didn't know anyone by that name. So apparently we got my unwanted cookie dough and Susie Simmon's cookie dough. And I don't know why he assumed that Susie Simmons was my co-worker instead of someone else. Well, maybe it's because I don't have any other friends in Mankato that he doesn't know. Yeah, that's probably it. Maybe we should wait to eat Susie Simmons cookie dough unless the boy scout comes back. What do you think?