Thanksgiving Lust
I will post two pictures today to make up for yesterday. This first one is from last night. This is Nick and Patrick noticing the mistletoe that is hanging between them. Right after this picture was taken they gently kissed each other.
We are getting ready to go to the Mall of America and then downtown Minneapolis for dinner. Expect an awesome picture tonight.
This is Nick and Amber at the Apple/Honey/Root Beer stand on the way to Minneapolis. I have always wanted to stop at this place, but I never had until yesterday. We bought homemade salsa, honey, pumpkin butter, pickled mushrooms, popcorn, and root beer! When we were checking out we realized that this was the last day it would be open until July (when I will not be in Minnesota). So, it turned out that I finally stopped at the shop the last day I possibly could.
Ashley, now that's just not right!
it's right in so many ways, mom
I like how Nick and Patrick both have their iphones out in this picture. Also, what does pumpkin butter taste like?
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